Current date/time is Tue May 14, 2024 12:42 am

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Though we want to keep things generally light hearted and easy going here on the I Got Bored forums, we need to have rules and moderation on the community to keep things from getting out of hand. Here I would like to describe some rules and the general rule of thumb for how we would handle anyone breaking a particular rule. Let's start off simple. 1. No Spam. What is Spam? If you're at all familiar with using forums you should, by now know what spam is. Spam is generally when a persons posts are either meaningless/contain little to no content, or when a user posts several times within a matter of minutes, the usual goal being to irritate Admins/Mods/Members, or to raise their post counts and climb in the ranks. So if you find yourself writing a post that says "Cool." try considering what you might add to this. 2. Absolutely NO Adult/Pornographic Material Ever heard the term NSFW? If that term applies to your image it probably doesn't belong on IGB. While there will be minor exceptions to this rule (some funny images just aren't fully clean) this will usually be upheld quite strictly. Posting cleavage for the sake of posting cleavage, does indeed fall under the NSFW category. 3. No Flaming/Hate Wars Now while arguments and disputes are to be expected in an engaging and interacting community, and this really is no problem, there is a fine line where a debate becomes a flame war. It's at that line that the Moderators or Admins have every right and reason to lock your topic and if they feel it is necessary, provide you with a warning. The severity of your warning is at the discretion of the moderator or admin responsible for handing out the warning. Q: I disagree with the actions of an Administrator or Moderator. I feel I was treated unfairly. What do I do? A: The best course of action is not to message that moderator immediately and through a string of profanities clarify your feelings. Instead please note the date and time the incident occurred, provide a copy paste of any messages involved in the incident, note the moderator/admins name, and contact any other moderator or admin. The matter will then be discussed by the staff privately, and you will be contacted privately with the results of the discussions. Our intent is to treat our users fairly. Q: I was banned unfairly. I now cannot contact a moderator! What do I do? A: Head over to and change the reason to "Support" or "Complaint". Include a valid email address and the same details as requested previously. The same actions will be taken, and you will be contacted over email once a decision has been made. Q: Can I redeem a warning? A: Warnings can be revoked by Admins or Moderators at any time. Minor warnings will usually revoke after one month, more major ones will revoke at a time designated by the person instigating the warning. Bans will be given either temporary or permenant status, and in the case of a temporary ban the time it is revoked will again be decided by the admin/moderator responsible for issuing the ban initially. If you experience a delay wherein your warning/ban status are not revoked, contact an admin/moderator to discuss the issue.